2nd Edition D&d Character Generator Software
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D And D Character Generator
My friends lost interest in 2nd edition. I went back to DM'ing 3rd edition. Also, life happened and I opted to pursue other projects and interests. I probably won't finish this character generator, unless my friends get interested in 2nd edition again. LitiJack's AD&D 2nd Edition Character Generator [v4.1] This very complete character generator made for Microsoft Excel is easy to use, covers a lot of possiblities like multi-class and specialist mages, and incorporates rules from the following books. Donor challenge: For only 2 more days, a generous supporter will match your donations 2-to-1. Triple your impact! Dear Internet Archive Supporter, Time is running out: please help the Internet Archive today. We are so close to reaching our goal. AD&D 2nd Edition HYPERLINKED Monstrous Manual - Orkerhulen.